Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Why didnt you vote?

Dear Sham,

I am dead. Not because of the bullets that ripped apart my flesh on that fateful November night, but because you did not bother to vote. Your inactivity pains me much more than the callousness of of our elected members of the parliament, assembly and various corporations who, till now, I believed were solely responsible for the red carpet treatment meted out to those cowards from Pakistan. I consider the setting of their foot on our motherland as a grand welcome meted out by us rather than an invasion carried out by them. And the charade still continues in that so called fast track court set up in.... oh wait! I am so sorry! I havent introduced myself yet! Or, have I?! 

Even one of our elected representatives with an IQ which rivals that of a mule can rightly guess that I am one of those brave men who gave up their promising lives so that all of you can continue with your wretched ones. Once again I apologize for sounding so crude. But the anger bubbling within me has made me realize a couple of things. Firstly, even the most courteous of officers can go haywire when they realize that their fighting for a bunch of inactive and indifferent people who believe more in destiny rather than themselves. Secondly, a soul who has died an unfair death can experience most emotions!

Before wearing the outdated bullet proof jacket and a helmet which seemed to be a fragile piece of glass as compared to the helmets most bikers wear these days I kept gazing at the photos of my beautiful wife, a rumbuctious daughter and the world's best parents. I kept asking myself was it right to leave their lives in lurch as I knew nothing would be done to take care of them once I am gone. The funny pledge, which we used to recite like parrots in school and went something like this  - All Indians are my brothers and sisters..., kept appearing in my mind. So will my brothers and sisters indeed take care of my folks?! Anyway, I shook away those thoughts and steeled my mind to take on those motherf....s

We were air dropped into a building from our helicopters and I was the first to rush in after those rats. Too bad, for me, as they were rats with guns. Guns which I thought were superior to most of the ones which our hot shot army studs flaunt. I shot a couple of them down. But one among them attacked shot my head from behind. And I used to think Islam's Lashkar had certain scruples!

Wondering why I have narrated my heroism in just 5 lines. Well today's post is not about my heroics. But it is about your ineptitude. When you held candlelight vigils at those tony landmarks, I felt that this was the beginning of change. Obama's gloating about only Americans being history's changemakers was about to be challenged by the denizens of the biggest democracy in the world! Politicans across parties look out! My brothers and sisters are going to respect my sacrifice! My family can take care of themselves, it is allright! But my siblings are going to clean our home after such an eternity! It never felt so good to be a dead martyr!!!!

But alas! We are Indians and we always will be! Not in a good way, of course!

All those advertisements, campaigns by ngos and the incessant pleadings from individuals across our country to go and vote did not compel you to go and cast your vote. All those pretty women crying out on television to make a change did not increase your mojo. Your own dreams of being a statesman couldn't shake you off your lethargy. 57 percent of people in your city thought the same way as you and crusied off to vacation with their loved ones...and mine still are wondering why did'nt I take my overdue leave and escape death by being with them. But then they realize that I am the one with balls..

All you had to do was to surf the internet for a few mins, understand the proceedure and finally vote on the last day of April. Vote for a person who has his organs in the right place. Or for her who is still sane. 

Instead, you took a long weekend off with your family and friends. You retreated to some villa where you could 'de-stress' yourself and conveniently forgot about the struggle our families have been through since the day we ceased to live. Even our President goes to Poland to honour their war dead whereas we do not care for those who died on our streets for us.

All you have done is followed a civilized legal proceedure for that swine who landed up on our shores with his band of boys to quash our lives and dreams and did so quite successfully. Instead of setting an example, we have let him publicly humiliate us by claiming that he is a minor and he wants a lawyer from his country of birth, which in fact, was refusing to admit that he is their citizen until recently.

Again! I cant help pointing out that you and I are from the same motherland. All you had to do to give solace to my soul was to go and get that ink on ur middle finger. Instead, you have shown your finger to my grave, my sacrifice, my family and my departed soul. Our country's curse of getting petty skunks as politicians shall exist till literate minds like you get educated. Probably then we can proudly call ourselves the world's greatest democracy.

And to think of it, I shed my blood for you. Bah!... 


neha said...

hey Sham..well written..
so heart rendering..
makes you really stand up,notice..and think bout the grave topic...
hats off..

Thoughts.... said...

Thank you Neha!

I do hope you voted!